Mind Body Spirit Series

4th Editions Now Available!

Mind: Concepts and Principles As Seen Through Martial Arts

The Mind covers martial arts from an intellectual perspective and is a valuable comprehensive resource for martial artists of all levels and from any sport or street style background. The “Vocabulary & Terminology” chapter clarifies much of the language of martial arts along with 19 important “Mental Concepts” and 19 vital “Physical Principles” that every martial artist should know.

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Body: Techniques and Applications As Seen Through Martial Arts

The Body covers martial arts from a target, weapon, anatomy, physiology, and system perspective. It contains the complete Barry Barker Kenpo System as a learning and training reference along with a sophisticated “Pressure Point” analysis chapter and a comprehensive “Sport Fighting” chapter to all go with the vast Kenpo curriculum information contained in this book.

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Spirit: Intention and Path As Seen Through Martial Arts

The Spirit is an important topic that can often be underappreciated in modern culture. This book discusses methods evolved over time to develop character and other important martial qualities. Chapters on “Wisdom” and “Martial Arts First Aid” are a must read and for the professional martial artist this book contains chapters on “The Art of Teaching” and “The Business of Martial Arts” along with a treatise to many common martial art and Kenpo questions.

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